Peak May Blossom in Mid May

It started with one spray on one tree while the bluebells, cherry blossom, violets and wood sorrel were taking the limelight.

Looking across the valley the colours were greens of every shade but no white of the hawthorn or may tree signalling summer. The white that is there is the cherry blossom. Hawthorn is prolific in this landscape. It is a pioneer tree. It can take hold even in areas heavily grazed as these lands have been. Their thorns protect them to some extent and they are successful in South Cumbria.

Then the other hawthorn trees started to show their colours too.


On closer examination the white and green shows itself to be pink, yellow and lime green forming the stamen.

Everywhere I look is white and the smell is heavy in the air. Not sweet but thick and pollen laden.

An old favourite hawthorn I call Agnes, sits at the top of the site and can be seen from most places in the south. She acts as a waymark when lost in gorse or bracken. Last night I sat in her and viewed the valleys to the north and south.

To the right in the distance is Red Screes.

Agnes is an old hawthorn and her blossom and leaves are sparse. She is shapely and distinctive and I hope  that she will stand at the top of the hill giving guidance for many years to come.

It is time for the Maydor to live up to its name. It is a corridor of hawthorn trees which connects areas through the high gorse. Friends kindly opened it up a few weeks ago, removing brambles which had thrown themselves across the path. With the blossom it is a splendid place to sit and to pass through.

The valley is now white as I look around from the highest point (same as the earlier shot). This is just one week later.

In all lights, the white glows. 

The blue haze of bluebells on the ground persists and violets are still coming out giving a lovely contrast.

The bracken is at knee height - still easily walked through but it won't be long now until the open areas are engulfed. Keeping paths open is the focus for now.

It will soon be gone so I am enjoying while it lasts.


  1. So beautiful and the richness of the colours across the Woodland landscape is spectacular. A real treat this time of year.


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