Wildlife at Bel’s Wood
The cameras have been picking up activity at the wood over the summer. This Tawny Owl has visited this pool created by a leaky dam over a number of weeks and I have some lovely footage of him drinking, washing and pooping.
This Jay poses for the camera perfectly here showing off his amazing colouring and moustache:-
I often see the sparrowhawk and always hear his threatening call. Here he is by the beck and below is a chick who looks a little less confident hopping around.
I’ve slightly enhanced this photograph to show the detail - the camouflage on Sparrowhawks and the Tawny Owls is amazing and such a different approach to the blue coloured Jayl
I have this rather nice footage of a stoat slinking around the tree. He is becoming a more regular visitor.
I have a lot of Badger activity on site. There are a number of active sets, snuffle holes, Badger paths through the bracken and I occasionally spot one hurrying along at night on their own. It was lovely to capture the footage below with 2 Badgers together. I am presuming the second one is a juvenile and it is nice to see him stopping for a drink. It is misty weather at night but I think they are visible enough to enjoy.
I have a pair of foxes I sometimes see in the flesh and often pick up on the camera. This is a juvenile out on his own looking healthy and lithe.