Autumn Colours and Wildlife
I blogged 'Autumn is here' a few weeks ago. During October changes have come rapidly. The bracken has begun to glow orange.
After heavy rainfall the road was flooded as the leaves had blocked the drain; it didn't take long to clear. I shall keep working on these as we come into winter.
Fungi are flowering on trees and from the ground and the air is thick with their smell.
There have been some sparklingly sunny days where the colours have glowed.
I am still trying to photograph one of my favourite oaks (Gandalf) - impossible to capture these magnificent specimens with a camera but lovely to spend time with them.
The full moon with clear skies at night give a lovely setting to see the deer and there has been lots of badger and fox activity.
As the rutting season starts, for first time I have seen a red stag coming down onto the wood.
I have tried again putting a camera up a tree to capture footage of birds. Last time I had hundreds of videos of bees! This time has been more successful.
Blue tit on the left of the screen:
Nuthatch leaving the tree
A still from a fleeting glimpse of a finch dropping down
Here is the video
There is still a lot of green around still as I look across the valley
While some trees along the beck are now completely bare
The temperatures have dropped this week - starting the week at 16ºc and ending the week at 11ºc during the day so I expect things to move on rapidly. I'll keep trying camera positions and get the video working to catch the deer rut now I know the males have come down from the upper areas of the valley. As I come to the end of my first year getting to know the wood (I purchased it in December 2020 and knew it would be mine about a year ago so started visiting more often), I am still finding new delights when I visit. I have favourite spots and am more able to visualise the area turned into a woodland. There is a lot happening in the background to move things forward - the planning permission application for vehicle access is being considered, communication with the Forestry Commission to discuss the planting plan and the development of the bid for a the Woodland Creation Grant is in hand. Bringing more friends to visit remains a joy as I see the wood through their eyes and appreciate once again what a pleasure it is to create something long term for the future.
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