Summer is here

All of a sudden the yellow from the gorse which has been constant all winter disappeared and the broom took over with yellow flares across the plot. You can see the dead looking gorse surrounding the gorse here.


    5th June 2021 08.12                   12th June 21.30          

There are not a huge amount of butterflies yet this year with cold snaps and rain but I have captured these ones so far

Speckeld Wood 20th June 2021

Red admiral (27th June 2021)

It is another stunning year for foxgloves which are alive with bumblebees (17th June 2021)

We found this common frog after a bit of bracken clearance and I have seen a dark brown one living in the woodstore. (27th June 2021).

On the left is probably a chimney sweep moth (19th June 2021) - not a great photo but they are found where there is pignut growing which I have on the right

And this green cucumber spider joined me one day (5th June 2021)


The grasses look lovely but are tricky to photograph - I like the purple haze in a sea of green bracken (7th July 2021)

The dog roses have been fabulous and seem to have lasted for weeks (17th June 2021)

And the honeysuckle is glorious and gives the air a strong perfume especially in these long evenings. (17th July 2021). 

The bumblebees are always busy here. (3rd July 2021)

The elderflower is in full bloom (23rd June 2021)

And in the boggy areas there are some more unusual flowers 

The brambles are flowering so hopefully I will have a good crop of blackberries this year (7th July 2021)

I tried to capture these dragon flies in their courtship flight - you can catch their colour and for me they are a real sign of summer



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