Autumn gold and badgers playing

Over the last couple of months I have been focussing on my planting plan. However I have continued to capture wildlife footage from camera traps and have taken photos of the changing season. This is a compilation from November and early December.

Looking across the Lyth Vally on the first day with snow on the fells this season

Autumn gold

Moon and Jupiter 



Female pheasants

Male pheasant 

The beck in the snow

Redwing feeding in a group


Red legged partridges


Three female Roe Deer

                                                                            Close up on a deer grazing

Badger not happy with this camera position which is a shame as it was pointed directly at a tree that came down in Storm Arwen but sadly I just got some shots of moving leaves!

                                                 Badger insulating her sett before Storm Arwen


                                    Badger playing

This is the skyline I fell in love with last year when I bought the wood last December.


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