Having done 4 blogs on different themes this month I thought I would do a generic one with some recent pics and video footage that I have captured later in the month. It has been hot and dry and the beck retained very little water. It is interesting to see the areas that remained boggy and these will be the best to convert into scrapes to try and have standing water all year round. There are flowers flourishing and insects buzzing. The aim will be to increase the range and quantity over time through planting a wider range of species and keeping rides open particularly in south facing areas.

White tailed bumblebee Green vein butterfly - female
Red deer browsing
Young red deer bouncing! (wait for it!)
Less stitchwort Vetch
Common Burdock
Outside the wood on the verge for now, hopefully these will jump over the wall next year now that grazing has stopped Dog Daisy, Red Clover & below meadowsweet
Bracken bashing continues with some mechanical help - thankfully!
Although some hard to reach areas still need the old fashioned method!
I am loving the trees which have provided a cool place to chill
Cecelia (the sessile oak)
Wilhamena (the willow)
And the swing hanging from one of Cecil B (the sessile oak)'s branches is giving joy to me as well as visitors
It's hard to photograph the beck and communicate the quiet calm
The warm days have presented a good time to take care of the tools too - I am learning to put a blade back on my machete
It is now time to apply for planning application for a new access point from the road that the plant will require later in the project. The current gate is in a good location with level ground for a hard standing area.
The sight lines north and south look safe although are at the lower end of was it expected by the council
Looking north Looking south
And every visit I see changes occurring subtly across the site:
Berries are setting on the rowan and hawthorn trees and they are just beginning to gain colour
A hot day and one to walk slowly - I can't resist standing on bracken to snap the stems as I go. I'm covered up to protect from the sun and ticks which for the first time I have hosted this month.
: ))