Bracken, bracken everywhere!
When I first visited this plot it was engulfed with bracken so I knew it was coming. But it has happened so fast. My focus has been
- Keeping key paths open so I can get to all areas.
- Keeping a few chosen areas open for use (Camp 1, Cook out zone, The Terrace & the entrance)
- Learning how to place camera traps to still capture wildlife despite bracken and deep grass
I have some good friends who have helped by keeping paths open by walking on them and stamping, snapping, cutting and bashing bracken!
and soon the whole site was covered
Dog roses
Vetch Broom taking over the yellow mantle from gorse
While the work started in earnest....
but is hasn't all been hard work!
The goal is to clear identified areas twice before the end of July. In August when the bracken grows spores it is not advised to bash bracken as the spores can be inhaled and are carcinogenic. If I repeat this process next year and maybe once more the year after these paths and open areas will remain bracken free. That's the theory! I am growing arm muscles!
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