Signs of Spring 6th March 2021

Each day I visit I see more signs of spring emerging even though the temperatures are still low when there is no direct sun. It was 4ºc at 5pm this evening and dropping. There has been no rain for a week. 

These are the early signs of spring spotted so far :-

Grey Willow - male catkins



Silver Birch budding

Yew tree in flower


Hazel with catkins - male


Blackthorn buds


Honeysuckle leaves

Snowdrops on the roadside

Daffodils on the roadside

Bee with full pollen sac on a very sunny day earlier in the week



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks - I know there is nothing special here specifically but it is lovely seeing the trees awaken day by day. I found cherry tree yesterday, hidden among the blackthorn. That will be a treat come May.


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