The Stream - renamed The Beck (see comments) (added pics)

The beck makes Bel's Wood such a special place. Either you can hear the beck or the River Gilpin into which it flows, anywhere on the site. I find it hard to photograph as it is a thin piece of water but the cascades are lovely and now they are frozen it has taken on a magical quality.





  1. A stream or a beck? Love the slomo.

    1. Maybe 'gill' or 'ghyll' would be more Cumbrian

  2. Thanks for the prompt. I have settled on Beck. I liked ‘gill’ but this is defined as having a deep ravine which this piece of water doesn’t. I would like a Norse term as the nearest village is Crossthwaite which is Norse (clearing with a cross). The origins of Beck given in Lexico is:-

    Middle English from Old Norse bekkr, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch beek and German Bach. Used as the common term for a brook in northern areas, beck often refers, in literature, to a brook with a stony bed or following a rugged course, typical of such areas

    1. ps - now when I try and type Bel it autocorrects to beck 🤷‍♀️


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