The Beginning
The Vision
Acquire a small parcel of land in South Cumbria, improve the biodiversity there and increase the capability of the land to pull carbon out of the atmosphere.
First I need to buy the land. I am bidding for my third serious contender now. I was outbid on plot number 2 (which appeared as a better option as I was about to bid on no 1). Now I am working on plot number 3. My bid is in but I have had no response so I continue to look and research how to go forward. This blog will document the new land, what is currently there, my plans as they emerge; their implementation and the outcome over a 10 year period.
My mind is full of red squirrels finding a refuge, ceasing grazing to allow wild flowers to flourish, stopping bird breeding and shooting. Clearing bracken and gorse and introducing native deciduous tress, Scots pines and larches. Creating ponds. Mending fences & walls and creating space to sleep out and to build a fire. Thinking of nights star gazing with dark skies. But I can't start until I have the land.
The brief:
Land without a diverse flora and fauna (eg. grazed or non native trees)
Private area on the plot that can be used to sleep out
Plots viewed so far
Shooting hutMature woodland
Plot 2 open grazing land (trees separate plot used for bird breeding)
Exciting times! Very best of luck with your bid on Plot 3