Wildlife at Bel’s Wood

The cameras have been picking up activity at the wood over the summer. This Tawny Owl has visited this pool created by a leaky dam over a number of weeks and I have some lovely footage of him drinking, washing and pooping. This Jay poses for the camera perfectly here showing off his amazing colouring and moustache:- I often see the sparrowhawk and always hear his threatening call. Here he is by the beck and below is a chick who looks a little less confident hopping around. I’ve slightly enhanced this photograph to show the detail - the camouflage on Sparrowhawks and the Tawny Owls is amazing and such a different approach to the blue coloured Jayl I have had this Mink visiting frequently. The pointy nose is an indicator that it is a Mink not an Otter. In previous years I have had both visit at the same time. I have one swift piece footage that may be Otter but so fleeting it is hard to be sure so I have not included it. I have this rather nice footage of a stoat slinking around the tree...