National Tree Week - the value of dead wood

It is National Tree week in the UK from from 25th November - 3rd December so I have decided to blog about some of my favourite trees. Check back in to see the other blogs which celebrate trees during National Tree Week. This one is a bit different. W hen I first researched developing a new woodland I came to the conclusion that dead wood should remain where it fell having read a great deal about woods and forests. This project would not include coppicing or providing wood for burning off site - I would burn some when up there but that's all. I would leave fallen trees where they landed and allow the wood to decay and return the nutrients in the wood to return to the earth. I may need to tackle trees in particular instances. This lovely oak came down in Storm Arwen in November 2021 and fell across a neighbour's fence. I tried to cut it back sufficiently that the new deer fence could be erected but the crown did need to be cut to create space....