Summer Solstice

June has been dry and hot and it feels like full summer came early this year. The smell of honeysuckle and elderflower fills the air. Honeysuckle Elderflower There are Small Pearl Fritillary, Meadow Brown Butterflies this year as well as Speckled Woods which I had in abundance last year as well. Small Pearl Fritillary Meadow Brown Speckled woods (from last summer - I just haven't photographed them this year as they are common at the wood) The beck ran dry last week ahead of the rain that finally arriving. Even this small bit of water is giving habitat for tiny waterboatman There is now a slow trickle after the heavy rain at the weekend. More is needed soon or this will dry up again. Animals and birds have been visiting the beck in search of water and I can't help hearing a Jonny Morris voice in my...