One year on ...
....and still feel myself falling in love with my 8 hectares of South Lakeland. It is hard to hold the whole year in my head at once. There was the ‘is this really mine?’ phase and just hanging around up there. Then showing people around and trying not to get lost. Naming areas and trees which helped me take ownership. Then putting up my first camera trap and seeing what was happening there when I was and wasn’t there. I have visited 2-3 times a week and find myself able to lose time up there is a way I don't in my other life. Having fires is a treat and watching wildlife, listening to owls, deer and badgers going about their business. Sleeping there is a particular immersive experience where I still feel like a visitor watching the day and night unfold. I decided to just get to know the land for a year and not set any expectation of doing anything. That all changed when a friendly neighbour, Andy Brown from Sherpherd Aerial of...