Red Deer and Roe Deer

I usually see, or at least hear, deer when I am at Bel's Wood. I also see fresh prints on their regular routes. I have positioned the camera to try and capture them passing through. They cross the beck at one point but I have not yet been successful at capturing them leap across but will try again. I have seen two species of deer - Red Deer and Roe Deer. Both are considered to be native species in England now and are common in the Lake District. The Red are larger and both seem equally shy. Telling them apart is not that easy as they are not seen together and with some videos being at night you don't get the background for comparison. Also there are some young ones. I am fairly confident that the white bob tail is the Roe Deer while the Red Deer has a drop down fawn coloured tail that covers their white bottoms. Here are a selection of both - video and stills and some footprints. I am not 100% confident of the footprints as the underground condition makes a diff...