A summer of mammals, birds and other creatures

It's been a busy summer at the beck. With water being short I have picked up some great wildlife shots and here are a selection of my favourites. This tawny owl has hunted in the beck and on the videos below you can hear the alarm calls from the blackbirds who will have had young chicks at this point. Tawny owl hunting In this shot the owl is being chased - by it slowing down I can see that the chaser is a Jay. The screeching is urgent and I have included the longer version below where the second shriek is heard off camera. I have seen a male and female fox pretty consistently over the year. This looks like a juvenile so they must have had a successful year. I like the way the moth photobombs the video at the end. There are many squirrels so it would be wrong not to include them! No red squirrels sadly. I have picked up these Sparrowhawks in the beck - sometimes bathing. I think the one that peeps is the juvenile although the same size as the parent here. This ...