
Showing posts from April, 2023

Celebrating damson blossom in the Lyth Valley

I am a big fan of damsons and was delighted to discover when I first moved here that these have traditionally been grown in the Lyth Valley.  In the 1930s, many tons of damsons were picked and transported into Lancashire for jam manufacture and, it is said, for dying in the textile trade. . I have always bought damsons during their short fruiting season to make crumbles and small containers of coulis for the freezer to use in winter. This year (2022) there was a glut and for the first time I made jam which has been highly successful but I did not make enough to share - just three jars. I have discovered that I can use a cherry stoner to remove the stones so the whole process is easy. Frozen Lyth Valley damsons are available out of season, coordinated by the Westmorland Damson Association, so I can make more from last season's crop - see details here     I did a blog last month...

A Good Friday - the joy of friends

  With a lot of work to do before the bracken returns and a realisation that I was just not going to get it all done, I invited friends to form a working party on Good Friday. We were lucky with glorious weather and the 12 of us achieved a huge amount. Old, nasty barbed wire from a disused fence with 5 strands of wire was delicately located and removed   The wire runs between fence posts across the site - I have been told pigs used to be kept on this land which required this separation Delicate work that requires patience and one of those jobs that just needs to be done once - thank you Emma! Second box heading for the recycle centre in Kendal - when I took the first box they asked me if dated from WW1 ! Mulch mats were hammered in for nearly 50 trees Mags tackled the orchard and worked methodically round the 13 trees already planted 24 new trees were planted, mulch mats, tree guards and stakes added (8 yews, 8 wayfaring trees, 4 walnut, 1 Worcester apple tree,...