Costa Rica Reforestation & Biodiversity - An Inspiration

Around half a million species are known to live there, which is equal to about 5% of the estimated species on Earth. Considering Costa Rica only makes up 0.03% of the world's landmass, this showcases the remarkable biodiversity of such a small country. https:// Ever since I started this project I have taken inspiration from many tree planting, biodiversity and rewilding schemes. I decided to visit Costa Rica for a holiday recently and to see for myself what a country that has decided to preserve its forests and biodiversity looks like close up. I am still reading about their political regime and how they came to decide to become ‘carbon net negative’ and I am sure there are controversies and debates about the pros and cons of their approach which I am not aware of. I have found many inspiring stories of how individuals, groups and the nation has made changes and I thought I would try and describe some of th...