Deer fence goes up

With the plan to plant a substantial number of trees it has been clear from the outset that a deer fence is essential. This smart new gate has been installed alongside the fence. Deer browse on trees & the newly planted saplings wouldn't last long if the deer continue to wander freely across the land. I captured this footage of a red deer browsing by the beck recently. More established trees can survive this but the smaller ones would not. This young rowan has been nibbled by deer in previous years and there is fresh evidence of damage this year. I took this footage in August and wondered if the fence would come soon enough. I checked the tree today and it still has some leaves and although it looks sickly, with protection from the deer fence it should continue to grow. Having a range of ages of trees on the site will really help avoid that feeling of just having rows of sticks in spirals for the first 5 years once the new woodland is planted. At this time of year the...