A year of Red and Roe Deer at Bel's Wood
I have enjoyed watching the deer throughout the year both live at the wood and through many videos and stills. I have put together this series of images captured over the year to show the difference between red and roe deer and to show something of their lifecycle. Red deer female March 2021 with juvenile from last year Their long faces and thick necks distinguish a red deer from roe deer. They also bigger but not seeing them together means this doesn't help as much as you might think when looking at photographs. In the flesh there is a difference with the red deer being noisier and they feel like a larger animal when running through the undergrowth. The red deer is the largest land mammal in the UK according to the British Deer Society https://bds.org.uk/information-advice/about-deer/deer-species/red-deer/ Mature female red deer at night Standing in profile showing the shape makes for easy identification Roe deer are slighter and they have a dist...